Your legacy can last beyond a lifetime.
By leaving a gift to The Fred Hollows Foundation in your Will, you will train the next generation of eye surgeons and help transform the lives of many of the millions of people living with avoidable blindness.

Find our why Alison has decided to leave a gift in her Will
“There are many of Fred’s quotes that touch the heart and one of my favourites is “to enrich someone’s life is to be purposeful in ours”.
The Fred Hollows Foundation enriches people’s lives far beyond restoring sight. The fact that Fred’s family is still heavily involved is reason enough to feel confident that Fred’s dream is being realised.
As a member of a wonderful community who share the common goal of ending avoidable blindness, it was a no-brainer to leave an amount to The Foundation in my Will. In fact, I have recently decided to increase that amount – my kids are self-sufficient, and my gift will have far greater impact restoring sight around the globe.
I strongly encourage anyone who supports The Foundation to seriously consider leaving a gift in their Will. It leaves a warm and fuzzy feeling to know that folks’ lives will be improved due to my contribution.”
Best wishes, Alison, supporter of The Fred Hollows Foundation

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Bequest information pack
Gathered Here
Our partner, Gathered Here, are offering supporters of the The Foundation a free, legally binding Will, with free and unlimited updates for life - which would normally cost hundreds of dollars and only takes 10 minutes to complete.

We have partnered with Safewill to offer our valued supporters the opportunity to write your bespoke Will online, easily and in your own time and have it reviewed by a practicing Australian solicitor for just $80 (normally $160).
Contact Us
We would love to hear from you. For a confidential conversation, please contact our friendly Gifts in Wills team:
- Email:
- Free Call: 1800 526 413
Alternatively, you can fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Frequently asked questions
The Fred Hollows Foundation wants to ensure that you are informed and comfortable with any decisions you make about leaving a gift in your Will. We’ve put together some frequently asked questions, but if you’d like to know more or to chat, please contact our Gifts in Wills team on 1800 526 413 or at
You can also download our free information pack here.
A Bequest or a Gift in Will is a legacy that you leave to a cause or causes close to your heart. This could be a percentage of your estate, a fixed sum of money, property, or shares. Making this commitment will ensure that your beliefs and values live on.
A gift in your Will is a really special way to continue your support. By leaving a gift to The Fred Hollows Foundation in your Will, you will train the next generation of eye surgeons and help transform the lives of many millions of people living with avoidable blindness. Your gift means you’ll always be part of something exceptional and it’s something that you and your family can be proud of together.
For every $1 donated, 75 cents goes directly towards eye health programs. We use 6 cents in the dollar for administrative costs and 19 cents goes towards fundraising efforts, allowing us to help even more people.
Importantly, restoring sight also has economic benefits. A Price WaterhouseCoopers (PwC) study, Investing in Vision, showed that for every $1 spent on eye health care in developing countries, $4 of economic gain can be made.
All gifts, no matter their size, make a big difference. For full information on how to leave a gift, download our free brochure here or contact our friendly Gifts in Wills team on 1800 526 413 or at
The Fred Hollows Foundation has three key areas – general projects, international projects and Indigenous Australia. Including a general gift is most valuable, as we can direct your gift towards the people and communities who need your help the most. We know that some people may have a strong connection to a particular region. If you have a specific request, please contact our friendly Gifts in Wills team on 1800 526 413 or at to discuss.
We recommend that you work with a solicitor or public trustee to write your Will. If you have a simple Will, you can use an online service, such as Safewill or Gathered Here.
We would love to know if you have included us in your Will! While you’re under no obligation to let us know of your intentions, it gives us the opportunity to thank you for your incredible generosity and allows us to share our long-term plans with you. Any information that you do decide to share is completely confidential.
Sharing your decision with your loved ones lets them know why causes like restoring sight to end avoidable blindness for those in need is important to you. It’s something that you and your family can be proud of together.
If you already have a Will, you don’t necessarily need to start from the beginning to include a gift to The Fred Hollows Foundation. Instead, you could include a codicil – an extra clause which is added to your existing Will. You can find suggested wording here and you will need to have your codicil witnessed by two people when you sign and date it. If your change is complex, you may need to create a new Will.
There are many kinds of gifts that you can leave, including:
- A percentage of your estate
- A specific sum of money
- Property
- Shares
Leaving a pecentage of your Estate has the most impact as it keeps up with inflation and maintain their value over time.
- It is simple – 1%, 5%, 10% - it does not change, even if the estate value does
- Allows you to take care of your loved ones first
You can find out more about the types of gifts in Wills here.
Changes happen in life so a good practice is to keep your Will safe and review it every five years. You can then make any necessary changes.
We promise to always:
- Keep your information confidential and in accordance with our privacy policy
- Honour your wishes
- Ensure your gift is used in the most effective way
- Respect that a decision as important as this needs time – how and when you choose to write it is personal to you
- Understand that you might change your mind. Circumstances can change and you always have the freedom to reconsider your decision at any time
- Honour your privacy. We would like to acknowledge your generosity, but we will only give you the recognition that you are comfortable with
- Continue to communicate and update you with the latest information on our programs and achievements
Please contact our friendly Gifts in Wills team on 1800 526 413 or at so we can help you.
You can find out more here or you can contact our friendly Gifts in Wills team on 1800 526 413 or at
We would love to help – for a confidential chat please contact our friendly Gifts in Wills team on 1800 526 413 or email You can also download our free information pack here.