May you be like a spirited dragon and a soaring tiger!

For a limited time, with every donation of $150 or more, you will receive 10 pieces of Freddy Bear red packets as a token of appreciation. The more you donate, the more red packets you will receive, up to a maximum of 50. (when the donation amount exceeds or equals $750.)

- Both monthly donations and one-off donations are eligible for the gift.
- Red packets are available while stocks last, without prior notice. Thank you for your understanding.

Note: Please provide the correct mailing address when making the donation so that we can send the related items to you.


The Significance of $150


Why $150?

With $150, we can restore vision for one patient with an eye condition. For example, this $150 donation can fund a simple 20-minute cataract surgery to restore sight for a patient living in a remote area with limited access to eye care, effectively transforming their lives.

The Fred Hollows Foundation estimates that every $1 invested in ending avoidable blindness can create four times the economic benefits.

Over the past 15 years, The Foundation has supported:

  • screening 39,538,993 people

  • 1,537,721 cataract operations

  • 285,406 surgeries to treat trachoma

  • treating 115,703,772 people with antibiotics for trachoma

  • delivering 5,384,261 sight-saving or improving interventions

  • distribution of 822,935 glasses

  • training 2,023 surgeons

  • training 397,928 community health nurses

  • equipping 10,833 facilities

Why is it important to save sight?

Blindness is more than a health issue. It is also a social and economic problem.  It is especially difficult for patients living in poverty and remote areas to seek medical help. 

Some patients may not understand that eye diseases like cataract, trachoma and refractive error can be treated easily. Many patients cannot afford treatment or transport to see a doctor. 

It can also be challenging for hospitals and clinics to provide simple eye services to patients. There may not be enough experienced medical staff and facilities.   



Thank you for your donation. As a token of appreciate, if you have provided a correspondent address, you will receive a pack of Freddy Bear Red Packets to spread the joy of restoring sight during this festive season. If you do not want or wish to reconfirm the address, please contact us via email [email protected].