The Foundation helps map trachoma hotspots in Ethiopia with phone app.

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 27/06/13

Little old lady steals Joel Edgerton's heart, and nose

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 27/06/13

Tackling trachoma in the outback: Thelma's story

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 26/06/13

Dr Rubina Gillani's inspiring interview on ABC radio

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 21/06/13

Three women out of the darkness

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 18/06/13

The Foundation named as one of the best NGOs in the world

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 10/06/13

Gabi Hollows receives Order of Australia

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 10/06/13

Great Gatsby star Joel Edgerton’s charity support

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 21/05/13