Couple crosses continents for Fred

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 06/01/11

Surgical boost to cut trachoma in Kenya

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 01/01/11

747 sight saving operations in North Korea

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 12/12/10

Rudd letter calls for increased disability funding

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 07/12/10

20 years since Fred Hollows received Human Rights Medal

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 06/12/10

Foundation awarded for fighting poverty in Vietnam

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 05/12/10

Study confirms blindness causes poverty

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 03/12/10

Fellowship strengthens ties with overseas eye health workers

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 01/12/10

60 Minutes program featuring Fred Hollows re-released

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 05/11/10

Fresh food store for Indigenous community

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 03/11/10