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Semira's Story


In a small village in Ethiopia’s Oromia region, Semira’s life had been filled with the joys and challenges of raising her children – until her world became consumed by pain and fear because of trachoma.

For two long years, Semira suffered from the excruciating effects of this painful eye disease. The constant irritation and burning in her eyes left her in agony with every blink. Slowly, her independence began to slip away. Simple tasks like cooking for her family or caring for her children became impossible. The disease not only threatened her sight but her ability to live a full life.
With each passing day, Semira feared she would never see clearly again.

Trachoma’s grip on Semira’s life

Semira at her home with her two young children

Semira’s community, like many in rural Ethiopia, had little access to basic healthcare. The eye infection that plagued her – trachoma – is a preventable disease that causes blindness if left untreated. With no means to afford treatment, Semira lived in constant pain, unable to provide for her family or care for her children as she once had.

But Semira’s story is one of hope. A community health worker visited her village and referred her to a local clinic where The Fred Hollows Foundation and local partners were providing much-needed eye care services.

For Semira, this was the turning point.

A new beginning for Semira 

Semira with her mother in law walking through a hospital with her eye patches on

Semira’s condition was severe, but thanks to the Foundation’s support, she received sight-restoring surgery just in time. After her operation, Semira was anxious but filled with hope. As the bandages were removed, her joy was immediate. She could see her children’s faces clearly again for the first time in years.

"I feel like a curse has been lifted," Semira said. "Now, I can take care of my children, I can work again, and I feel hope for the future."

The ongoing fight against trachoma 

Though Semira’s story has a happy ending, many others like her still suffer. Trachoma continues to affect millions of people, especially in remote areas of Ethiopia. The Fred Hollows Foundation remains committed to eradicating this disease and ensuring everyone has access to eye care, regardless of where they live or how much money they have.

Semira’s story is a powerful reminder of how life-changing access to eye care can be. At The Fred Hollows Foundation, we believe everyone deserves the gift of sight – and with your support, we can make that belief a reality for countless more people like Semira.