A brief introduction to Australia
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture is rich with language, storytelling and a deep connection with the land and sea.
In fact, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures of Australia are the oldest living cultural histories in the world. They have survived because of their great ability to adapt and change over time.
The past treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is a dark chapter in Australia’s history, and even now there remain many injustices.
Today, the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians are, on average, ten years shorter than the rest of the nation, and adults are three times more likely to go blind than other Australians.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are also more likely to have lower incomes, higher rates of chronic disease, to live in rural and remote parts of Australia, and are less likely to continue their education. This is particularly evident in remote communities where people are disadvantaged by their distance from health care, education, and employment opportunities.

What are the eye health problems?
94% of vision loss among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults is preventable or treatable.
The four eye conditions that cause this vision loss are: refractive error (needing glasses), cataract, diabetic retinopathy and trachoma. The statistics show how easily achievable it is to prevent avoidable blindness – most vision loss can be corrected overnight or with a pair of glasses.
However, 35% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults have never had an eye exam.
Trachoma remains an issue in remote Aboriginal communities.
Australia is the only developed, high-income country where trachoma still exists, and while it has been eradicated in many parts of the country, it can still be found in very remote parts of South Australia, the Northern Territory and Western Australia.

The Foundation's programs in Australia
Despite great improvements, there’s still a lack of access to high quality, accessible and culturally appropriate eye care services in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in remote and underserviced communities in Australia.
The Foundation works with partners to advocate to governments for sustained investment in services to improve eye health, and to close the health inequality gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Australians and the rest of the Australian population by 2030.
We work with partners to deliver targeted eye care projects and build the evidence base across Australia. Our programming and advocacy activities specifically aim to:
- Address cataract, diabetic retinopathy and trachoma
- Address ophthalmology workforce shortages to increase specialist outreach eye care
- Coordinate and improve existing outreach eye care services (ophthalmology and optometry) by increasing the regional workforce, service coordination, and support to patients
- Build the eye health workforce to ensure there are effective human resources available to help increase the rates of early detection, treatment and management of eye diseases
- Enhance and strengthen health systems to improve patient accessibility and experience and integrate eye care into the primary health care system
- Raise the profile of eye care as a public health issue on a regional and national level
In 2023, The Foundation and its partners made great progress in key strategic areas in Australasia:
People screened.
Eye operations and treatments performed including cataract operations, surgeries to treat trachoma, diabetic retinopathy treatments and other sight saving or improving interventions.
People treated with antibiotics for trachoma.
Pairs of glasses distributed.
People trained including community health workers and clinic support staff.
School children and community members educated in eye health and sanitation.
The countries in Australasia that The Foundation works in are Australia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Nauru.