Hong Kong
Eye health
Fred Hollows
世界視覺日 C AllStar 陳健安何建曦與眼科醫生的深情8秒
人生長路漫漫,眼睛總會有出現問題,需要請教醫生的時候。2021年世界視覺日以「Love your eyes 愛護瞳」為題,鼓勵公眾定期驗眼,及早發現眼疾。樂隊C AllStar 成員「安仔」陳健安與Jase 何建曦齊齊響應,接受護瞳行動眼科顧問醫生林傑人仔細檢查,卻深情對望8秒!究竟發生了什麼事? 目擊事發經過的Jase竟然「打咗個突」? 過程非常攪笑!
每年10月第2個星期四是世界視覺日,以杜絕可避免失明為目標。2021年護瞳行動除了得到安仔與Jase 支持外,亦十分榮幸獲得安基國際財務規劃有限公司支持捐款配對計劃,所有捐款由即日起至2021年10月31日止,將獲安基1:1配對,支持者捐幾多,安基同樣捐幾多,配對上限港幣50萬,令捐款1蚊變2蚊,希望打孖上!立即按此捐款,令善款影響力倍增!
Koori Knockout raises eye health awareness among thousands on World Sight Day
World Sight Day shines a spotlight on the importance of eye care, especially for young people. This year, the Koori Knockout in Bathurst, NSW — one of the largest annual gatherings of Indigenous peoples in the southern hemisphere — served as an ideal platform for raising awareness about eye health.
Eyes on the Future: Australian and New Zealand Governments Invest in Centre for Eye Health in Papua New Guinea
The Governments of Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand have partnered with one of the region’s most iconic and trusted NGOs, The Fred Hollows Foundation, by investing in a new Centre for Eye Health in Papua New Guinea’s capital Port Moresby.
7 things named after Fred Hollows
Fred’s legacy lives on in remarkable ways across the globe. From a street in Eritrea to a ferry in Sydney, here are just a few of the places that proudly bear his name…