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Fred Hollows

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這個數字鼓勵我們不斷前進 - 只要更努力,推動更多人支持國際眼科服務,就能讓更多雙眼睛重見世間的光彩。
未來,護瞳行動將會繼續以於偏遠地區建立永久眼疾服務為目標,令社區與病人獲得自助能力,迎來持久穩定的光明生活。 請繼續支持我們推動世界防盲工作,為世界帶來更多光明。

Report: Addressing the needs of older people with disabilities
A new policy report by The Fred Hollows Foundation and CBM Australia reveals how the intersection of ageism and ableism disadvantages older people with disabilities in development and humanitarian settings.

7 Things My Dad Taught Me About Changing Lives
Today marks 32 years since Fred passed away. As we honour his legacy, Cam Hollows has been reflecting on the lessons he left behind—lessons that continue to shape the world we’re building together.

7 things named after Fred Hollows
Fred’s legacy lives on in remarkable ways across the globe. From a street in Eritrea to a ferry in Sydney, here are just a few of the places that proudly bear his name…